We are a team of English teachers, translators and interpreters based in Milan, Italy. We provide a range of services to companies, law firms, professional associations and individuals. Our services include lessons and courses for individuals and groups at all levels of Business English and Legal English, as well as translations from Italian to English,  including certified translations of legal documents such as contracts, legal opinions, judgements etc. We also provide interpreting services for business and legal conferences.

Carol Carmody


Carol Carmody was born in Ireland and has a degree in Language and Literature from University College Cork, Ireland, as well as a diploma in TEFL (Teaching of English as a Foreign Language).

She has worked as a language consultant in Belgium, France and Italy, holding courses in General English and English for special purposes, including Legal English, Business English, etc.

She also works as a translator and interpreter, as well as organising tailor-made language courses abroad (mainly in Ireland) for individuals and small groups of professional people.

Carol’s clients in Italy include major law firms, accounting firms, universities and banks as well as professionals from sectors as varied as medicine, public relations, advertising and non-governmental organisations.

Catriona Wallis

Catriona Wallis is an Australian living in Milan with more than 4 years English teaching experience in Italy.

Catriona teaches Legal English to both individuals and groups of lawyers in Italian law firms, researches and writes syllabuses for Legal English courses, teaches Legal English courses at the Ordine degli Avvocati di Milano and translates documents including legal documents from Italian to English.

She has a degree in Project Management from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia as well as Cambridge CELTA qualifications (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults).

Catriona's clients include law firms , Ordine degli Avvocati Milano (Milan law society), an Italian airline company and an Italian IT service provider.